Our newest project – Part 1

This week we have been working on a project for a client who finds herself in a sticky situation.

Our client is an older lady, whose husband has had to leave the country and has been left to sell her house so that she can go and join him. The house is in a good area, but has not been updated for at least 10 years. We offered her our services to help take the renovation over for her, as she was overwhelmed with the ordeal.

As we know, moving is very stressful for most people, but when you compound it with getting rid of years of stuff which has accumulated in your home and having to ship the rest halfway around the world, you can imagine how overwhelming it might be.

So we took over the responsibility for the whole renovation project, so she can concentrate on sorting through her stuff, and tying up her loose ends.

She has given us a tight budget but it is all she has in her savings, so there is no wiggle room. As any Real Estate Investor will tell you, you have to have a contingency buffer. We have a contingency of $5000 set aside just in case something comes up that couldn’t have been foreseen.

As we discussed in previous posts, we are concentrating on the kitchen and the two bathrooms which all need to be started from scratch. We need to help her to get the best return on investment possible.

The kitchen needs new floors, new cabinets, new counter tops, new backsplash, new appliances, new baseboards, a new pantry door, new electrical switches and sockets, new HVAC registers and new paint.

Both bathrooms need new floor tiles, new vanities, new counter tops, a new bath, a new shower, new faucets and shower heads, new toilets, new lights and new towel racks etc.

We also have new tile needed in the foyer, carpets on two sets of stairs, three bedrooms and a hallway, painting throughout and maintenance on the exterior of the house.

As you can see, this is quite a large project, and we are expecting to be able to have everything done within a six week timeframe.

We will keep you up to date on our progress

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